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Ensaio fotográfico
Photographic essay

Ensaio fotográfico sobre “Flow my teares” de John Dowland
Photographic essay on “Flow my tears” by John Dowland

Fotografia \Photography

Filipe Faria

Projecto \Project Flow

Um projecto \A project by
Arte das Musas

Projecto financiado por \With the support of
República Portuguesa - Cultura
Direcção-Geral das Artes

Parceria Partnership
Município de Idanha-a-Nova \UNESCO City of Music

Media partner
Antena 2

Design e paginação \Design and pagination Filipe Faria
Tradução \Translation Kennistranslations
Impressão \Printing Printer Portuguesa
Depósito legal \Legal deposit 513696/23
ISBN 978-989-35083-0-5

MU0128 ℗ 2023 Arte das Musas © 2023 Arte das Musas
Todos os direitos reservados All rights reserved

Flow my teares fall from your springs,
Exilde for euer: Let mee morne
Where nights black bird hir sad infamy sings,
There let mee liue forlorne.

Downe vaine lights shine you no more,
No nights are dark enough for those
That in dispaire their last fortuns deplore,
Light doth but shame disclose.

Neuer may my woes be relieued,
Since pittie is fled,
And teares, and sighes, and grones my wearie dayes, my wearie dayes,
Of all ioyes haue depriued.

Frō the highest spire of contentment,
My fortune is throwne,
And feare, and griefe, and paine for my deserts, for my deserts,
Are my hopes since hope is gone.

Harke you shadowes that in darcknesse dwell,
Learne to contemne light,
Happie, happie they that in hell
Feele not the worlds despite.

John Dowland (c.1563-1626)
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres of 2, 4 and 5 parts (London, 1600)